今、オリーブオイル探しをしています。今までは加熱用は大容量の缶を使っていたのですが、最後の方は少し酸化している味がし、体にも味も良くないので、大容量は辞めようと思ってのことです。加熱用と生で使う用、二つの種類を持つのも面倒なので、それなりに買いやすいお値段で、なおかつ今回は1)低温圧搾、2)酸度が低いものに注目して買おうと考えました。 調べてみると、IOC(国際オリーブ協会)はエキストラヴァージンオリーブオイルに対し細かく定義を決めているとのこと。気になる酸度は「遊離酸度が0.8%のもの」のみがエキストラヴァージンオリーブオイルと呼べるというそうです。これが定義の一つ。なので、ここはIOCの定義に則ったものを手に入れたい、と考えています。 今のところ、iHerbにある幾つかのものを試そうかな。例えばこれ、スペイン産。またカリフォルニア産のこちらも高評価です。一気に頼むと酸化が進むので、まずどちらか1本を頼み、終わる頃に次の1本でしょうか。これぞと思う1本に出会えますように。 I'm looking for olive oil. I used a big can but towards the end, it tasted a bit oxidized so I should get a smaller bottle every time. I also used two kinds for cooking and freshly used purposes, but what I'm looking for now is one kind that I can use for any purposes, so it has to be somewhat reasonable. My conditions are 1)cold pressed 2)low acidity level. In my research, IOC (International Olive Council) set the definition of extra virgin olive oil. One of the conditions of it is an acidity is below 0.8g/ 100g (0.8%). I'd like to stick to IOC's definition. So far I'm drawn to getting this produced in Spain or this one in California. If I order them together, the one I use later might go acidified more so I may have to order one first, and the other one as the first one is almost over. Hopefully I can find something I really like.
I totally depend my diet on tofu. It's something I eat quite daily and nutritious with low carb. I've written I want everyone to try tofu from a tofu shop, not packaged ones in a supermarket since it tastes quite different. The ones from an individual tofu store are made everyday in the early morning and so soft and tastes thick that you can tell they are made of soybeans. Here are some recipes I like using tofu; shiraae (mashed tofu with vegetables) simple tofu and age (deep-fried bean curd)...
Today's lunch Organic brown rice, natto with shiso herbal leaves, summer veggie shimmering. I usually eat more natto but recently I have an experiment eating more brown rice since I sometimes have constipation. I used to have good regular bowel movements but as I lost weight, I don't eat as much anymore and in the past year, I've find myself with constipation time to time. I've tried different things but when I had a good amount of brown rice the other day, I had my bowels move. So I wonder if...