どうやって私に辿り着いたかというと、海外の撮影スタッフが自己紹介をするWorld Fixerというサイトがあるのですが、このサイトを作った人が直接の知り合いで、私を推薦してくれたとのこと。私もサイト作成者とはメールで何度かやり取りしたことはあるのですが対面は果たしていません。そうやって、日本で撮影するというときに私を思い出してくれたのは嬉しいですね。
I was filming in Hokkaido to speak with some people with Ainu background.
The European couple based in South Africa contacted me to help them carry on their own project, who have been working on different indigenous communities in the world.
How they got to know about me was through the website World Fixer because the husband knows one of the founders and they asked him if he knew anyone in Japan since they had a shoot in Japan coming up. I haven't even met Mike, the founder, in person. We only have exchanged emails. I am very happy he remembered me.
We had a short preparation time but ended up meeting quite a good number of people to talk and perform for us. I will write what impressed me during the shoot for the next few days.