すごい! そんなに研ぎ澄まされた体の感覚、身に付けたいものです。Keiko先生を見ていると、体を動かす職業をしている人の感覚の鋭いこと、圧倒されます。わたしのようにずっと運動が嫌いで本や漫画を読んできた人生にはない能力。でも、今からでも自分の体の声に耳を澄ませていきたいと思っています。
Someone my personal trainer knows was going to have a live session about lymphatic massage on Instagram so I joined.
It's such a nice age that people can have live streaming on such an application. There were two instructors and they taught how to massage the lymphs. Both of them are breast cancer survivors and they talked about how they found it or told us how to find lumps. It was a very good one.
One of them said she had a concerning feeling on her regular checkup and instead of waiting for the next six months, she went back in three months. Because she was very concerned, they did a biopsy in case, and that's how they found her breast cancer.
Isn't it amazing? I'd like to get such a sharp physical sense. Watching Keiko sensei, physical trainers/ therapists have a very sharp sense of body while I never even cared about it when I hated to be physical at a childhood. Never too late. I will sharpen that sense.