いやあ、楽しかったです! 東京都内でこの大きさは最大級かも。時期的に紫陽花が多く揃っていて、紫陽花が大好きな私は2種類購入しました。
My neighbor told me about Ozaki Flower Park in Musashiseki, Tokyo a few months ago. I heard it's a big shop and have wanted to go since then. I finally went and it was so much fun!
This could be the biggest scale flower/ plant shop in Tokyo. There are many kinds of hydrangeas, which is my favorite kind. I bought two kinds.
I bought dill too. Dill is difficult to buy in Japan and if you find, they are expensive. So it's nice to have a pot of dills. What I saw for the first time is mosquito plant. It smells nice with citronella and if it repels mosquitos, that's great. We now have many more flowers blooming for this time of the season, luring me to stay in the balcony.