ドイツがホロコーストで犯したことを検証し続けることで今に活かしているのとは真逆をいく日本。教育は国の方向を決める大事な指針ですが、このままで本当に良いの? と問いかけたいです。
I watched a movie last week. Titled "Education and Patriot" was recommended by someone I know. She said parents with kids should go.
Since PM Abe's second term, it depicts how the ruling party has interfered Japan's education, especially twisting the facts Japan did during the war times to the other Asian countries. They use power to step in to control what can be written in textbooks.
This documentary shows both opinions in a flat tone. The narrator for the movie, Arata Iura, was good telling things in a calm tone. It's desperate to see if there are so many people with different views on history because I don't know how to have discussions.
Germany has repeatedly looked into what they did in Holocaust. Japan is going the opposite way. Education is the key to decide on a direction a country moves. Is it really okay?