THRIVEの生徒さんから、先生はもう痩せる必要がないですよね、なのになんで運動しているんですか? と訊かれました。
I was asked by my student why I work out when I don't have to lose weight.
Looking back, I only wanted to lose weight when I had more than 10kg on me. I just wanted to lose the number and flesh that was on me. But by the time when I reached the same weight as I was before I was pregnant, my thought was being healthy.
I want to be able to walk with my own legs when I am old. For that, I need to put some muscles. As I have met some people for the past years, I learned why I don't look so well when I lost weight; I had a bad posture. What I am aiming now is to have a good posture so that I can put muscles on the right spots and have less pains and breathe deeply.
If I don't work out at all, how I sit and walk makes my body distorted. That would cause more pains. To be healthy, I work out. Humans are a kind of animals too. If we only sit, our body shrinks and stiff. We need to stretch our body!