甘くなってしまうならばもう少し自分の考え方を落とし込む時間が必要で、その分も教室に通っていただければ一番いいのかなと思う一方で、確かにどんな食事の選択をするのかというのは一生ものなので、教室ほどは厳格でなくても良いけれど伴走者のような存在が欲しいのかも? と考えたり。
LINEで励ますプログラムを作る? どんな方法が良いのだろう。自分がダイエットをしていた時は、同じグループでも姿勢が異なるので、誰とでも会話をするのが自分の励みになるわけではなく、同じような姿勢の人との会話が刺激でした。今すぐでなくても、じっくり考えられたらと思います。
I've been thinking how I can develop into a new diet counseling form because I hear from some of my former students they have a hard time to be motivated after finishing my lessons because no one watches them anymore.
If they don't give them a discipline as they are supposed to, that might mean they need to take more lessons, but in the end of the day, what to choose to eat will go on forever as far as you live, so it might not be as strict as lessons but they might want to have someone to accompany to run? Maybe?
How about making a program on LINE (chat application) to encourage? When I was a student myself, I felt it wasn't anyone in the same group that I wanted to talk to because everyone has a different attitude to dieting. I chose someone with the same attitude to be inspired. I will keep on thinking about this.