一昨日の地震は大きかったですね。東京の我が家も、かなり揺れを感じました。翌朝は、今まで取材でお世話になった方に連絡をし、無事を確認して一安心。それにしてもこれだけ地震が多い国ならば、やはり原発は安全ではないと感じます。もう一度、同じように事故が起きれば? わたしたちはどうするんでしょうか。
The earthquake two days ago was big. We felt strong shakes too. Next morning, I made sure the people I met through work were fine. The question still remains, though; do we really need and can we handle the nuclear plants when we have so many earthquakes? What if we have another nuclear power plant incident? What are we going to do?
We should think is about the future. How we can make our lives without leaving negative legacy for the people in the future including the environmental problems?