

 有村架純さん主演の『前科者 - 新米保護司・阿川佳代 -』というドラマを、Amazonプライムビデオで見ました。これが、出てくる登場人物の心情がよくわかる、あっという間に引き込まれて見終わってしまいました。




I watched a TV drama series called Zenkamono, meaning ex offenders, on Amazon Prime Video. Without knowing what it is really about, I was drawn to the story so quickly. Now I'm done with all the episodes.

There is a movie of it out recently, but I was too late. I couldn't make it to watch it at the theater. Once it distributes online, I will definitely watch.

The main character is a probation officer. I never really knew about them. Sometimes when I watch dramas, there may be probation officers... this was as much as I knew. They do not get paid despite such huge responsibilities they carry.

The starring actor Kasumi Arimura plays the character Kayo really well with her calm expression, but Shizuka Ishibashi acting as Midori caught my eyes. Midori is really cute and charming, and even I could tell she plays details. She is the daughter of a big actor couple that I didn't know. It's such a happy encounter when I do not have any expectations.