三連休はそれなりに予定がありますが、今日が一番ゆっくりしていられる日。昨日見始めたNetflixのHensel And Gretelを最後まで見たいというのが子どもの希望。わたしは、午後に銭湯に行ければ嬉しいかな。と、ゆっくりした休日を過ごしています。雪の影響が少なくて、本当に良かった。
It snowed yesterday but it melted mostly this morning. The sun is brightly shining. I am sitting at the cafe table looking out through the windows.
I took the kids to their painting class today and waiting for them to finish. I usually pick them up when it's done, but we decided to meet up at the cafe as expecting them to show up. Let's see.
This is a long weekend and although I have some plans, today is the day I don't really have plans. The children want to finish watching Hensel And Gretel on Netflix they started yesterday. I hope we will go to sento in the afternoon. I'm chilling today. I am very glad the snow didn't affect so much.