あれ以来、何かを決める時は自分で考え抜いて決めようと思っています。そうでないと、what if(もしも)という気持ちがしこりのように残ってしまう、そう感じるからです。
When making a decision, I think it is very important to make the decision on your own. I still remember the question I had to my friend who graduated from another U.S. university a year before me if staying in the states would be better or going back to Japan since I could've stayed another year with the visa. She told me most of her friends from Japan would go home because they got a position of a well-known company. Without thinking through, I kind of let myself listen to the "choice of her uni's majority."
Looking back, it all turned out to be good. I met my husband and we have two adorable daughters. But the regret I didn't think through has been always staying. I ended up not working at a well-known company, or a company!
Since then, I have decided to make a decision on my own. Otherwise, "what if" stays like a lump in your mind.