
高齢者への入居拒否/Rejection For Aged People To Rent An Apartment



 日本の賃貸はそもそも貸す側が強い立場にありますよね。リスクを背負いたくないという気持ちもわかりますが、礼金ってなんなんでしょう? 2025年には、日本で65歳以上の割合は30%を超し、ピーク時は2055年に人口の40%近くに上ると見られています。超高齢化社会を前に、わたしたちは安心して住まいを見つけられるようになるのでしょうか?

I read the an article that one in four has been refused to rent an apartment. I am freelance and have a history of a difficulty of renting a place. My husband is not Japanese so we are pretty much out of the "standard," so I really feel for them. 

I thought we had so many aged people now and it wouldn't be so difficult to rent a place. It's not really the case.

In Japan, landlords control more when it comes to renting a place. I know they do not want to take a risk but I just don't understand reikin (thank-you money they take). In 2025, the percentage of the people older than 65 is projected to be over 30% while 45% in 2055 at the peak time. We are entering the super aging society. Are we ever going to find a place to live when we are old?