最近、服で気に入っているブランドがPoeple Tree。もともとフェアトレードのチョコレートで知ったブランドで、ラジオ番組の仕事をしていた時は、創立者のサフィア・ミニーさんは数回、ゲストとしていらっしゃったこと覚えています。
I have liked to buy clothes from Poeple Tree. It's a fare trade company and I first knew about their chocolate. The founder Safia Minney came to the radio show a few times I used to work at.
How clothes feel is an important matter as I am older. Also, it's a fare trade and they do not exploit workers' salaries and working conditions, so I can contribute a tiny bit to the world community. So I regularly check their website.
You get who makes the clothes when they arrive. You can learn about what the organizations do and who work. It's nice to imagine about the people making the garments you bought. "Organic cotton farming eliminates the use of manufactured fertilizers and pesticides protects the makers' health and the environment," the tag says.