わたしの癖の一つは、種類をたくさん食べようとする、ということでした。ダイエット中でもその考えが強くあり、多くの種類をちょっとずつ、という食べ方をしていたということは以前書きましたが、一度シンプルに食べるようにと指摘されてどうなったか? というと、結果はついてきました。
One of my tendencies was trying to eat many kinds. I had that idea even when I was on a diet and would eat several kinds of little bits each. My teacher pointed it out and told me to eat simpler. What happened then? I got a good result.
I was eating as much or maybe more than usual because that week I had filming days and stayed over at my relative's. But when eating less kinds and simple, I had weight and sizes going down next week. Maybe you eat more than you think when you have many kinds of a small amount of dishes.
So when you are on a diet, you don't have to think about how you can eat many kinds.