
自分の体/ Your Own Body






 わたしはダイエット教室を主宰していますが、痩せることが目的ではないんです。矛盾しているかもしれませんが、わたしにとって 痩せること=自分をコントロールできること、だったのです。それまでは人生の長期目標を立てられず、目の前のことをただただ処理していく人生を過ごしていました。ですが、ダイエットを通して、いかに自分をコントロールするかを考え、目標を具体的に打ち立てることにより、人生全体の目標も見えてきました。痩せたいと思う人にはその自分の願いを実現するためにはどのようにすべきか、を具体的な道筋を示す一方で、今の自分を愛していれば、どんな体だっていいとも思っています。誰だって、自分を大切に扱うべきだし、その上で変わりたいと思った時は願う方向に変わればいいだけです。

There was news about the director of Tokyo Olympic ceremonies chief suggesting comedian Naomi Watanabe to wear a pig costume to make "Olympig" implying she is plus-size and that's why the idea came from. This was talked a year ago, but I assume it's common for his industry to talk like that way-- older men's society, advertisement industry-- that what is seed shameful in many other worlds.

Naomi, opposed to that, released her remarks with a firm attitude. In her own YouTube channel, she apparently says;

"I consider myself no longer  with talking about fat or ugly. I am big and fat chubby but I am no longer there."

Indeed, where she sits at is not the table where he was at.

Sounds like she had some teary moments because of frustration, but I think those were for the realization that we are still surrounded by the people where the insulted have to bear.

I am a diet coach and give lessons to those who hope to lose weight, but actually my true goal is not to lose weight. It might sound contradictory but for me, losing weight was being able to control myself. I never could have long-term goals in life and all I was doing was taking care of whatever came up right in front of me. But through weight-loss, I became able to think how to control myself and build concrete goals so that I finally had life-long plans and goals. While I want to help people lose weight by suggesting concrete ways, I feel you should embrace how you are as far as you love yourself. Anyone should treat themselves well and if one wants to change, they should change to the way they hope.