そして終わったら、セラピスト曰く、顔のトーンが上がってるように見える、とのこと。その時はよくわかりませんでしたが、家に帰ったときに違いを実感しました。確かに、ハリとツヤが出ている! まあ、これは1ヶ月程度しか続かないらしいので、続けるかどうかはこの時点では未定です。とはいえ、この結果は10年後の肌に表れるんだろうという気もしていて、1ヶ月ごとではなくても2、3ヶ月に一度は受けたいかなという気はしています。シミについては、ラッキーならかさぶたになって取れたら薄くなるらしいですけど、かさぶたにはならず、大きな変化は今のところなかったです。
Then the doctor came in to decide on the power level they would use after she actually saw the tone of my face and the spots. She said 17. I was told it might hurt a bit but it was totally fine. It was a bit warm when getting the treatment but not painful.
After done, the therapist said the tone of my face was brighter. I wasn't sure at the time but yes, when I went home, it was obvious. My face got brighter and glowing more. It will last only for a month so I am not sure if I continue to get it. But I also feel the result will appear in ten years so am drawn to get it once every few months if not every month. As far as my aging spots, they didn't become scabs. If you get scabs, you are lucky because your spots will be lighter but it didn't happen this time and the color of the spots haven't changed much.
They prescribed me Hythiol tablets and Cinal, ascorbic acid. L-cysteine and Vitamin C. I was asked if I'd want tranexamic acid but since it's not vitamin pills, I said no.
The plan is to activate skin turnovers to fade my spots inside the body as well. I am taking powder Cinal and it's actually very nice sour so look forward to taking it every time.