なるほど! と思いました。
1時間ほどの隙間時間ができたとしても、やることは毎日必ずあるので、そこで一つ達成感を得る行動をしてからゆっくりする、というのはいいと思いました。なので、わたしも、早速取り入れ、TO DOリストを常に更新し、チェックしていくことにします。
When I was in a learning gathering, we were talking about how to spend time when you want to relax. One of them said she enjoys relaxing after she takes care of one thing in her To-Do list.
Thought it was a great idea!
If I were to have one hour to do nothing, well there are things to complete all the time so it's a great idea to complete one thing that I can feel achieved then truly enjoy my spare time. I have decided to always update my To-Do list and tick what I have done.