土踏まず/The Arch Of A Foot


 が、今日! 初めて自分でほぐしているうちに、3点で地面を踏みしめていることを感じました。トリガーポイントのボールで土踏まずの3点を踏んでからのことでした。

 もちろんそうなるまでに、長きに渡る骨改革があるわけですが、また一歩、ここで前進した! という手応えがあり、嬉しかったです。

My feet really don't have arches at all. Such flat bottom of the feet I have. Although I have felt an arch on my bottom of the feet when I was having a session with my trainer as she corrected my posture, but usually I would not have arches at all.

Why, today! I felt the three points of arch on my feet. That happened after I put my feet of the triangle points on the Trigger Point ball.

Of course there had been a long time trying to change my bones. I felt a certain progress today. It made my day!