その名は「ジャーパルライブ(Jahpal Live)」。ネパール料理店です。伺った時は、何か体に良さそうなものをいただきたいという理由でした。ビーガン料理も提供しているこの場所は、近鉄京都線大久保駅の近く、だそう。我が家はその時車でした。駐車場はありません。
もし近くにあったら、月に一度は訪れるかも。大変遠いので、残念ながら、次は何年先かな? でも、またぜひいつか訪れたいお店です。宇治がそれなりに近い方、ぜひ。
This post is under the category of Cooking, but this is the note for me to remember. It's about a restaurant in Uji, Kyoto.
It's called "Jahpal Live." Nepalese restaurant. We went there because I wanted to eat somtehing healthy. They offer vegan foods too. Located near Okubo Station, Kintestu Kyoto Line. We went there by car and there is no parking lot for the resto so you would need to use a paid parking lot.
I had been to Nepalese/ Indian restaurants, or the Nepalese restaurant in Ebisu, or even went to Nepal about 25 years ago. But Jahpal Live's foods were different from anywhere else or any organic restaurants, leaving us with a great impression among that kind.
You can taste how much work they put into it. The dishes weren't so hot but they should use many spices. The taste shows how much work behind. It was really tasty.
I might visit them every month if they were close to me. So it could take a few years before our visit since it's very far. But I would love to visit the restaurant again.