
元隣人/ Former Neighbors

 昨日は、元隣人のご一家の新居へとお邪魔してきました。素敵なおうち、これから庭をどう作っていくかを構想中ということで、芝生なのか雑木林なのか、それとも花中心なのか? そういう悩みって、楽しくていいですね。




I visited the former neighbor family who moved to another place in Tokyo. The house was neat. She has been thinking about what little garden she wants to make. That kind of thing is really fun to think!

The kids played with each other hard while I talked to them a lot. I had such a nice time there. My husband even took a nap there.

We talked about what community we want to live in and how we can make. If you live in the area where many already have lived for a long time, you may have some distance between the older folks and new comers. We were keen to talk about how we can connect to each other as ones in a same community. 

It's definitely great if you have a few people to rely on when something happens. I hope their new community will become comfortable for them.