もちろん、しばらくジムにも行けず、すっかり体力が落ちたと感じました。自分の幸せって何かな? とこういう時には考えさせられますね。やっぱり何はなくとも健康が大事。それができて、自分の望む体づくりに励めるというもの。まだインフルエンザも流行っているでしょうし新型肺炎も拡大しそうですし、免疫力の高い体づくりをしなければ。
I thought I kept couhging. Then it turned out to be my daughter and I had mycoplasma pneumonia. X-ray didn't really show she had pneumonia and my lungs didn't make noise on stethoscope but we both became fine after taking the medicine. So as a result, the doctor said it was mycoplasma.
I had a fever so it was hard. With work piled up, I needed to have a Skype meeting for a few hours when I had a fever. I am reminded how health is really important.
I felt I lost some physical strength since I couldn't go to the gym in a while. It made me think what happiness I want to pursue. Health is more important than anything else for me. I can only try to make my body the way I want to have when I am healthy. There is still flu around and coronavirus spreading as well! Need to improve the immunity.