よって、ジョギングを再開します! ちょうど寒さも少し和らいできましたしね。もしわたしがインナーマッスルの使い方をマスターできていたらジョギングしなくても腰が悪くならないのかもしれませんが、いまの私の理解と体の使い方では、週2、3回のジョギングは不可欠と判断しました。こうやって検証していき、その時の自分が正しいと思うことを実践する。この姿勢はダイエットで見つけましたよ。ただ筋トレは、まだ再開しません。インナーマッスル強化はまだまだ追求したいので。
It's been three months since I started workout to strengthen inner muscles. I felt my body alignment was fairly good and didn't have much back pains in the beginning, but when entered later third month, I had days with pains.
So I decided to resume jogging! It's good that it's not as cold lately. If I mastered how to use inner muscles perfectly then I might not to have to jog, but with my understanding and the fact how I use my body, I need to jog 2 or 3 times a week. I verify things and practice what is needed for me at the time. That's the attitude I found through diet. I won't resume muscle strengthening yet since I'd like to pursue how I can strengthen my inner muscles.
I have a session next month with the personal instructor I met recently and look forward to it. I'd like to ask her many questions. It was nice not to have to run in winter in dark. Maybe next year I run at a gym. I will just try to see what suits the lifestyle I have at the moment.