そういう気持ちで道行く人を見ていると、姿勢って本当に人によってさまざまだと思います。わたしは以前も今も、80歳になっても元気に走り回れる脚力を持つことが目標! その目標のためには何が必要なのか、今後も試しては検証していきます。
It's been about two months since I quit jogging and strength training. The amount of muscle has remained the same while the body fat percentage went up a little bit, which I am disappointed, but I priortize to strengthen my inner muscle rather than out muscle so I will try this for now.
As looking into ways to strengthen my inner muscle, I care about my posture most. Am I slouching when sitting? Am I shrinking when walking because it's so cold? I try to remind myself about those things to pull my head up.
I hope I can strengthen my core. I don't expect a quick result because those movements are so plain.
People have really different postures. My goal now and then is the same. I want to run around when I am eighty. I will try and analyze to achieve my goal.