昨日子どもと一緒に見た動画は、Netflix配信の『Tidying Up With Marie Kondo』です。人生がときめき片付けの魔法でおなじみの近藤麻理恵さんを迎えたリアリティー番組。
まずは、彼女の片付けの方法。わたし、以前本を一冊読んだことがあるんです。でも、実行しよう! と思うほどではありませんでした。ときめきで断捨離の判断をするのも抽象的でしたし。ところが、このように映像になっていると、例えば服のたたみ方がとてもわかりやすく、1話見終わったあとにすぐに子どもと一緒に試しました。そして彼女のやり方でたたむと収納力が3割増しに加え、何があるか一目瞭然。素晴らしい。
ところが! 近藤さんは、このままのふわりとした可愛らしさで、ぐいぐいとアメリカ人と渡り合っているんです。キュンッて日本語で言ってアメリカの人がわからないなりに「キュンッ」って真似してました。部屋に入る時、ルンって感じで(ルンとは言ってませんでしたが)ジャンプしてました。そのままの自分でアメリカ人クライアントと渡り合う、新しいタイプの海外で活躍する日本人が登場した、と感動しました。
What I watched with my children yesterday was Tidying Up With Marie Kondo on Netflix. It's a reality show by Kon Mari, the spark joy method guru.
I was impressed by many ways.
First, how she tidies up. I had read one of her books, but it didn't convince me to actually do what she says in the book. It was too abstract for me to decide what to throw depending how things spark joy for you. But when it comes to video, it's easy to understand how to fold clothes, for example. I tried to fold clothes with my children right after the first episode. Surprisingly, instructed by KonMari, we could increase the capacity to put them in the drawer by 30% and it's obvious what we have in it. Wonderful.
Another interesting aspect is that she still is like a Japanese woman. Do you know some Japanese women have very cute ways of talking or moving their body, like tilting the neck? She even says kyun (heart pounding) in Japanese, and it's not common at all in the U.S. I see very rarely American girls like that, but having the individualism and considering they need to have own opinions, they usually don't have such a culture.
KonMari doesn't change how she is (though her makeup is more like the American way). She is still so soft-spoken and cute, and she deals with Americans. An American wife repeats her "kyun!" without knowing the meaning. She jumped in the room when she entered the room. I was almost moved by this new type of Japanese character having business equally overseas!
If you pursue what you like, people all over the world recognize you. I look forward to the rest of the episodes.