体と向き合うと自分のメンタルとも向き合うことになります。なんでだろう? と思っていたのですが、わたしのメンター、確かミア先生曰く、体の悩みがなくなったらその分感情のことに向き合える余裕が出てくる、、、だったかな? 違ってたらごめんなさい、でも、確かそういうことをおっしゃっていたような。
I have a sore body today. It feels comfortably painful. This makes me think a body is disaligned easily due to how you sit/stand/live.
Chiropractic seems really interesting. When you face your body, there are many questions you want to know and it never stops.
And when you face your body, you inevitably face your emotion. I was wondering why but I think my metor Mia-sensei said when your body problems are gone, you have the room to think of your emotions. I may be mistaken, but I think she said something like that.
I have the new term starting from next week. I am very much looking forward to it.