生徒さんから「ダイエット終了後、どういう食事がいいですか? 例えば外食して脂身の少ないお肉と脂の乗っている魚があるとして、どちらがいいでしょうか?」という質問がありました。
A student of mine asked what she should eat after diet. For example, which should she opt when she eats out between lean meat and rather fatty fish?
This kind of question is really good. However, I cannot just tell her one kind is worse in terms of gaining weight because my definition of "when you are done with diet" is when you don't have to worry about weight control any more.
When I was a student myself, my coach told me "ultimately diet is over when you are no longer worried about it" and I sort of understood but not completely. Now I clearly understand. You should be the person who isn't flustered just because you are by then already someone who doesn't have to worry about each meal. You are already someone who exercises regularly, and if you ate too much, you can get back on track by working out or controlling meals after that. You choose not to eat too much in ther first place. That's what "done with diet" means.
For that, you need to understand your body through experience and building up a body to rise your basal metabolism. You will know it if you listen to your body and mind. The student's body fat rate is about 21% already so I think she can only focus on her way of thinking.