
日本のKitKat/ Japanese Kit Kats


 New York Timesの取材で、フードライターのTejal Raoさんと一緒に、ネスレ日本のKitKat工場へお邪魔しました。



 記事はこちらなので興味のある方は読んでいただければと思うのですが、わたしが感心したのは、ネスレ日本さんの風通しの良さ、現場の方もかなり英語をしゃべっていたことから、外国人上司とも蜜にやり取りが発生するということでした。いい会社です! と声をあげていいたいですね。広報の方にもとてもお世話になりました。いまは、天下りの巣窟のような組織とやり取りをしているところなのですが、あまりの姿勢の違いに目眩がしそう! 笑 楽しく、気持ちの良いお仕事でした。感謝です。

I covered KitKats the other day.

It was for the New York Times and an amazing food writer Tejal Rao and I went to the KitKat plant Nestle Japan has. 

It was right before the new flavor Kikyoshingenmochi to be on sale in the Kanto area, and she would also want to look into the history why Japanese Kitkats started to have so many flavors.

That's true, when I was little, we only had regular flavored KitKats. But there are many seasonal flavors or regional versions of the candies. My friends visiting Japan also love to buy matcha flavored KitKats.

You can read the story here. What I was impressed was how a good company Nestle Japan was. They had close communications with each other, and plant managers spoke quite good English that I could imagine they speak to their bosses speaking English. You can tell if companies have smooth or open communications. And they had a very good relationship. I appreciate the spokesman too for his detailed and kind communication. Right now, I am dealing with an organization for amakudari people, and their attitude is so opposite that could almost faint me. lol Anyways it was a fun piece of work.