理想の筋肉/Ideal Muscle


 では、どのように? と伺うと、ダッシュをするんだそう。運動する日は30分ほど筋トレをしてから、次は体育館でダッシュを何本か。それで、自分の心臓を鍛えるそうです。そのほか、少しジョギングもする、とおっしゃっていました。

 その方75歳だそう。75歳でダッシュ! うーん、ますますわたしの理想とする生き方と似ている、と思いました。わたしも、それまで生きていれば、あのように姿勢良く、美しい筋肉で、100mダッシュを数本できるようになりたいです。心から。

There is the man I sometimes see making me think I want to have muscle like his especially on his calves. I asked today what he does, then he said he used to jog for 6 miles a day several years ago. But he hurt his knee and couldn't do that any more. Although going to orthopaedics, the doctor said there was nothing wrong. But it hurt. And he decided to go to the gym for strength training. As getting more muscle, he now can jog. But he doesn't do what he used to do.    

Then how? I asked. He said he makes a dash. When he works out, he does strength training for 30 minutes, and go to an indoor track field, making a few dashes to pump his heart up. Besides he says he goes for jogging too.

He said he's 75. Making a dash at 75! That's really my goal of life. If I am alive around his age, I would like to stand and walk so straight like him, and have beautiful muscle to make a few raps of 100m dashes. Truly.