今朝は1時間だけでしたが、二年ぶりかな? 日本に一時帰国している友人に会いに、彼女とベビーのいる宿泊先へ行ってきました。
お互い人生、いいことだけではないけれど、悲しいことやつらいことがあるからこそ日常が幸せにも思えるということを再認識。さあ、次に会うのはいつだろう? それを楽しみに、お互いそれまで健康でいたいものです!
I saw a friend for only one hour. It's been probably two years since last time we met. I went to her hotel while she's visiting Japan.
We studied at the same university. Our majors were totally different, but we've known for more than 20 years as friends. She's stayed in the States working as I returned to Japan after graduation.
We had such a short time but were able to catch up as I also got a chance to play with her baby girl. I wish we could've talked longer for sure, but sometimes how dense it is is more important than the length of time.
We don't always have happy moments in life, but because we have sadness and hardships, we know normal days are precious. When can we see next time? Till then, stay healthy, girl!