It's good to make some parts of your body-- neck, wrists, and ankles-- becuase the distance between skin and blood vessel is close in these spots and it's easily affected by the outside air. So if they are cold, your blood circulates when it's cold. If you have col blood circulated in your body, your muscles contract and blood in smaller blood vessels is cold too and a whole body becomes cold.
I have a teacher I take the body maintenance class and she tells us we should make those parts warm.
I know my feet are cold without socks so I wear socks even in summer, but I go bear foot when I sleep because I have feather futon, my feet are covered in them and warm. Well, lately I kick it at night because it's hot! I had wanted to buy a pair of leg warmers so I just ordered a pair.
Here is a website I ordered them. It's a website called Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shimbun (Almost Daily Itoi Newspaper) run by Shigesato Itoi. My belly is always cold too (or I was told my organs were cold) and I've been a fan of their tummy wrapper called haramaki. Last year, they got saggy after using them for some years so I got rid of them. Now I didn't have any. I was going to wait to buy haramaki until they come out with new designs before the winter, but I took this opportunity.
Even when you wear light and cold, you make your body warm. This is how I go this summer!