昨日に引き続き、わたしがよく使う七味のご紹介を。さて、ガツンといきたい時、わたしは長野は善光寺、八幡屋礒五郎の「BIRD EYE」を使います。
Continued from yesterday, I am introducing another kind of shichimi, Japanese Seven Spice, I use often. When I go for extra spicy, I use the product called Bird Eye, produced by Yawataya Isogoro in Zenkoji, Nagano.
They are well known for their regular shichimi. How I knew about Bird Eye was my neighbor, who loves spicy. He let me try it, and I loved it! Now I buy them online too. Another neighbor told me she saw them at Marugoto Nippon, commercial building in Asakusa carrying different kinds of products and produce from all over Japan and it's close to where I live. I may try to go there.
This shichimi is three times spicier than their regular shichimi, so very stimulating. My husband isn't a fan so doesn't use them but I love to use them almost everyday for something.
I checked their website because I had decided to write about the product. It says they used to rely on ingredients from different regions or countries but they wanted to go back to where they are from, decided to use the stuff from their own area. I think it's a great idea. In this age, you can purchase products from same sorts of companies no matter where you live in the world, but because of that, uniqueness is strong. If you have something that can be served only by you, or offer an experience that can be offered by you, then people want that after all. That's what I think.