今日は、わたしがお取り寄せをする海苔をご紹介しましょう。東京、大森にある「乾海苔問屋 伊藤海苔店 (03-3761-2663) 」の「熊本産極上海苔」です。大判(全型)30枚入りで、1500円(送料別)だった気がします。
I'd like to introduce a kind of nori seaweed I ask them to send me. It's "Premium Nori (Gokujo Nori) produced in Kumamoto" that "Dried Nori Wholesaler Ito Nori Ten (03-3761-2663)" in Omori, Tokyo carries. If I remember correctly, it's 1500 yen for 30 big pieces in a pack plus shipping.
I love nori seaweed. But I am not satisfied with seaweed at a supermarket usually because it doesn't have good smell. I had tried different kinds, but I think this is the best kind-- the one my friend brought me one time-- and everyone I have shared so far including my parents, sisters and aunts love it saying it's the best nori ever!
This is so true. It smells so nice. I usually eat it with natto (fermented beans) tearing the seaweed in pieces. My sister says she can tell how superb the quality of this nori is when she makes onigiri rice balls. It goes very well with cold rice.
Since this is a wholesale store, you need to purchase 10 packs as a unit. So it goes 10 packs, 20 packs... So purchase 10 packs at a time, then you can use some as a gift or share with your friends.