English below:
ミア式メソッドのクラスでは、本当に自分が望むことはなんですか? と、何度も問いかけられました。痩せたいと思っているのにどうして食べ過ぎてしまうんですか? それは、自分を可愛がっていないことになりませんか? と。そういう対話を通し、徐々に自分の本当にやりたいことを優先させるようになりました。一例ですが、週末、わたしは早起きなので、家族が寝ている間にとっととジムに出かけてしまいます。2時間くらい戻ってこないので、目が覚めた家族はそのうちお腹が空くかもしれませんが、何か欲しければ自分でパンを焼くなりしてね、パパもいるんだからパンケーキも作れるよね、といまでは思えるようになりました。家族が寝ている間、たいしたこともせず時間を潰して過ごすなんて、時間がもったいない! と思うようになりました。わたしの人生は、わたしが作る。自分のやりたいことを確保した上で愛する家族のために時間を割く。ようやく、こう思えるようになりました。
Hello, my name is Yu Wada-Dimmer, founder of THRIVE. Let me introduce myself here.
I’m from the Kansai region, Japan, spent my college years in the U.S. then came to Tokyo working as originally a translator for TV and radio productions then currently as a fixer and producer for foreign productions filming in Japan. As working in the industry, I as well became a SlimClub master of Mia method that gave me a big impact on my way of thinking and founded this dieting salon called THRIVE.
I have a message especially for those who don’t pay attention too much to yourselves because you are so busy.
You just don’t have much time and have to take care of your family and spending time on yourself is the last priority. I know that very well.
But I want you to think if that’s what you really want.
I hated myself being big. I couldn’t wear the clothes I had and the image of myself I had didn’t match how I was for seven years. Yes, good seven years— you can no longer say it’s only temporary after giving a birth.
I wasn’t totally happy with my performance at work because I didn’t have as much time as I used to before becoming a mother. I’d have to take my children to clinic for immunization shots, attend parent-teacher meetings, picking up the kids… Too many uncounted/ unrealized/ underestimated work frustrated me and I couldn’t proudly say I was content. Of course I was happy we had our children as we had hoped, but it was a totally different story that I lost much control of time management at work.
In Mia method classes, I was repeatedly asked what I really wanted to do. Why do you eat too much while you wish to lose weight? Don’t you think you are mishandling yourself? Through those questions, I eventually started to priotize what I wanted to do. For example, I now go to the gym on the weekend when my family is still sleeping. I stay there for two hours so they wake up without me. They may be hungry at some point. But how I think now is they can toast bread or even make pancakes because their father is there. I don’t want to trifle time on my cell phone doing actually nothing. I have to make myself happy. First I secure the time for myself, then spare some time for the family I love. It took me some time really to think this way.
If you are spending days like I used to— would you like to think for a while what you really want to do with me?